Tama's STAR Single Tom Stand is designed to achieve the ultimate in sound and performance by maximizing tom resonance and stable positioning.
STAR design elements are incorporated, including True-Sound Insulation Mute (the upper tube section has vibration-reducing inner mute), Glide-Tite Grip Joint (which gives a super solid, metal-to-metal contact connection) and extra-heavy double braced legs with oversized rubber feet that include retractable spikes.
The L-arm base is held securely to the stand with a superior clamping mechanism that will not budge, once clamp and memory lock are engaged and tightened. The top section of the L-rod is 10.5mm in diameter and is tilted away from the lower arm section to provide fully isolated mounting for toms up to 10" in depth. Tama's Omni-Ball tilter supports the L-arm a non-budging, yet flexible tom angle positioning system.
Drummers now have the option to mount their toms on a stand specifically for tom performance, not snare drum performance.